New York Times Review of Kennedy, Johnson, and the Quest for Justice
Read moreThe Turning Point for a Reluctant White House
When many people think about the March on Washington 40 years ago this week, and the civil rights movement in general, the images that remain strongest are of Martin Luther King Jr. and thousands of grass-roots activists who took to the streets, organized protests and fought county by county in the South to force change.
Read moreA Man, a Plan, a Canal
New York Times review of Parting the Desert.
Read moreA Big Dig - and a New Course for Empire
Wall Street Journal Review of Parting The Desert.
Read moreTwo Agents, Two Paths: How the CIA Became a Vital Operation
The Bush administration asked Congress to expand the powers of the Central Intelligence Agency to have the authority to issue "national security letters" demanding access to a wide range of personal records held in the United States, including those kept by banks and on-line service providers.
Read moreA canal that made waves
The Guardian review of Parting the Desert.
Read moreMaking Sense of Today's World
A panel discussion on “Making Sense of Today’s World” was held in celebration of the opening of this new Borders store, which replaces the World Trade Center Borders that was destroyed during the September 11 terrorist attack.
Read moreParting the Desert: The Creation of the Suez Cana
Publishers Weekly review of Parting The Desert.
Read moreMaking Peace and Profits in Iraq
Rebuilding Iraq is such a monumental undertaking, with estimated costs of at least $25 billion, that the involvement of private enterprise was inevitable. It is also controversial.
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